
UNOFFICIAL glue to build SASAX up.


Interface Summary
DateTimeFormat.Parser Interface of date time information parser.

Class Summary
Base64 Encoder/decoder for Base64 format.
DateParser String parser for XML date built-in data type.
DateTimeFormat Date/time format handling class.
DateTimeFormat.DateParser Parser for date(YYYY-MM-DD)part.
DateTimeFormat.DayParser Parser for day(DD) part.
DateTimeFormat.DigitParser Parser which accepts only specified digit set.
DateTimeFormat.FQZoneParser Parser for fully-qualified time zone part.
DateTimeFormat.HourParser Parser for hour(hh) part.
DateTimeFormat.LetterParser Parser which accepts only specified letter.
DateTimeFormat.MinuteParser Parser for minute(mm) part.
DateTimeFormat.MonthParser Parser for month(MM) part.
DateTimeFormat.ParserSelecter Parser which selects one from candidates by specified character.
DateTimeFormat.ParserWrap Parser to wrap composite parser.
DateTimeFormat.SecondParser Parser for second(ss.sss) part.
DateTimeFormat.TimeParser Parser for time(hh:mm:ss.sss) part.
DateTimeFormat.UTCParser Parser for 'Z' as UTC time zone.
DateTimeFormat.VarDigitParser Parser which accepts only repetition of specified digit set.
DateTimeFormat.YearParser Parser for year(YYYY) part.
DateTimeFormat.ZoneParser Parser for time zone(hh:mm) part.
DateTimeParser String parser for XML dateTime built-in data type.
DurationParser String parser for XML duration built-in data type.
HexBinary Encoder/decoder for HexBinary format.
LooseDateTimeParser String parser for XML data and time format.
TimeParser String parser for XML time built-in data type.

Package Description

UNOFFICIAL glue to build SASAX up.

This package consists of utility classes as glue to build SASAX up.

Now, these are planed to be generalized, and is not guaranteed to be provided in the future release of SASAX. So, I would like you not to use these directly.

Of course, you can use these at your own risk.